
Sorry the final link to Charlotte Paul's article was wrong. Fixed now.

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Sep 4Liked by Garwhoungle

Exactly as Yvonne says below, but will they ever admit that they could possibly be wrong. NZ public may know but many of them do not because how can they learn of it when the media stays resolutely silent. Those like the esteemed doctor in Christchurch have a lot to answer for.

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I hope there's a change! The BMA (a union as Robin points out below, not something meant to make policy on medical decisions) is now the only organisation holding out and then it's apparently just a few people who are in leadership positions. even in NZ there's a few cracks showing with people often all too ready to slag off 'anti-trans' people who are saying oh yeah Cass is right. https://www.theguardian.com/society/article/2024/sep/07/bma-stance-on-cass-review-of-transgender-care-has-damaged-its-reputation

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Fantastic article that deserves a wider audience. But you know what - I reckon the NZ public knows gender affirmation is nonsense - it’s the captured bureaucracy, academia and the media elites who are floundering.

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Hi Yvonne. I’m such a fan of your work! Totally agree. This whole business reeks of snobbery where the elite of decision-makers consider themselves more sophisticated thinkers than the masses (who believe in biology and safeguarding) and go about imposing policies based on their more advanced analysis.

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Sep 5Liked by Garwhoungle

Thank you Garwhoungle. There’s so much work in your piece, breaks my heart that it’s not more widely read. The snobbery of that elite class is tooth grinding. Seems to me it’s a global problem. The rise of the so-called far right is really just the voice of the working class shouting enough to intellectual bs.

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Now hesitant to throw around left and right as derogatory labels but I do have another piece in my head about how trans ideology is *actually* right wing despite those heading the charge who consider themselves left. Spoilers: sex as a free market good, individual freedoms rather than class protections, defending the privileged as opposed to the masses.

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I fully agree with your analysis. Gender identity is neo liberalism on steroids. It’s the ultimate in market forces and individualism (no classes, not even by sex) - it’s “I want” and the market will deliver. But weirdly, it’s the holier than thou “progressives” who cheer it on the most. So it’s not a left vs right issue IMO, it’s about reality vs wishful thinking.

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Sep 4Liked by Garwhoungle

Great post! You could have also pointed out that the BMA is actually NOT a medical association, but a trade union for doctors, so what are they doing making medical pronouncements? Their purpose is to negotiate contracts and work conditions only.

In answer to your subtitle, "not at all" is the correct answer. Think of the pressure that had to be put on the Ministry of Health to remove the totally false statement from their website that puberty blockers are "reversible". Um, no they usually aren't when you consider that nearly 100% of children who take them go on to cross sex hormones.

This is what happens to male bodies who are castrated as eunuchs: https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/84/12/4324/2864451?login=false

If "the person presenting is the expert on their own experience" then why are girls with anorexia not given diet pills and gym memberships? They KNOW they are fat! Who are we to look at their skeletal bodies and tell them they need to eat? And why did her family and her health care team work 24/7 for 13 months to keep my friend with puerperal psychosis from killing herself? She KNEW that a demon was going to kill her children unless she killed herself! In the end the demon won. Are they to feel badly because they prevented her from killing herself with her first attempt?

NZ public health officials seem to be on and escalating commitment to a losing course of action, but the real losers are children and young adults who will be living their lives with bodies that have been harmed, not as a result of illness, but as result of "gender affirming care". https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/escalation-of-commitment-to-a-losing

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So many interesting points Robin. Thanks for the support! And yes, after MoH removed the statement about safe and reversible there was a media article stating that the removal was due to anti-trans pressure, which MOH denied and clarified it was due to emerging evidence.

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Sep 5Liked by Garwhoungle

I bet they didn't mention that all the "evidence" that "emerged" showed either no improvement to mental health (which is the rationale for treatment in the first place) or actual harms being caused to children from the administration of puberty blockers.

And of course, they skip right over the essential question, which is "are trans kids a real thing?" to which my answer is a resounding "no". Show me a child claiming a trans identity and I'll show you a child who has been indoctrinated by an adult (or several). It is distressingly easy to mis-wire a child's brain and mold it to some adult's whim: https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/time-critical-brain-development

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Yes, the same names appear over and over again, using circular referencing to gain credibility and influence government policy. Officials are either too naive or too indoctrinated to give these policies any proper scrutiny. They are more interested in appearing “progressive” than caring about the children’s lives they are ruining.

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Sep 4Liked by Garwhoungle

Another example of what happens when responsibility is given to people whose minds are so open their brains fall out.

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Great article thank you! It's no coincidence that the PATHA 2018 Guidelines and the MOE Relationship & Sexuality Guidelines were both updated in 2018. And this also coincides with a spike in referrals for gender affirming genital surgery (link below). Social change appears to be being created through policy changes, lobbying, and funding. The wrong people are making decisions on behalf of our children, often excluding parents, and any criticism of their plan is called misinformation/disinformation or worse. More can see this now, than can't. So how do we correct this horrendous issue? (not 'error' as it has been carefully and cunningly planned, people positioned, and massively funded).


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Brilliant and devastating in equal measure, Garwhoungle. There had to be something this organised, calculated and corrupt behind the total 'no debate' swing to gender 'affirmation' and ideology in this country. And here it is, a 0% score for editorial impartiality for our main trans healthcare agency advising doctors, politicians, etc.. That says it all. I think most people resist believing such organised corruption is possible, with the winning cover of a pretty, gay rights aligned 'rainbow', appealing to the child within, and the actual children. The Pied Piper was colourfully decked out too. 🤯

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We share a timeline of how our children's identities are being induced and disrupted... where the result can be castration and sterilisation. https://rumble.com/v5dbtkl-the-induced-rainbow-child-by-elisabeth-cave.html

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Thanks for the link. Excellent initiative!

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100%. Most people cannot fathom the level of corruption and planning that has taken place (in this and other areas). And when they do wrap their heads around it... hardy any know how to pluck up the courage to do or say anything, or are on the outside looking in, with no position to change. And then there is the media stoking it all, and getting the word out beyond the echo chambers is tough.

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