What a sad state of affairs and exclusion! How many more court cases do lesbians and 'bio women' have to finance (!) to get the right to exist recognised in law? We're getting pushed under all over again, and our haters/lesbophobes are more violent than ever! Here in Australia there are big court cases happening. LAGvsAHRC, lesbian action group taking the Human Rights Commission to court for refusing to grant us an exemption to hold lesbians born female only events. TicklevsGiggle, Sall Grover's app for girls, shut down now by ONE MAN thinking he has the privilege as a 'legal female' to crash into all female only spaces. In this case we heard the judge declare in court that 'sex is changeable', and 'any man can be a woman'! The 'male she male' is now a fact. Sall will take this to the high court now at a cost of $800.000! And who's coughing that up? At the moment an expelled member of the Victorian parliament, Moira Deeming, is taking the leader of the Liberal Party to court for defamation because he called her a 'nazi'! A mother of four with Maori AND Jewish heritage! She had co-organised the Let Women Speak event together with KJK in Melbourne in March 23. KJK and Angie Jones were also accused of having 'nazi' affiliations. This defamation case is currently live streamed from the Federal Court and will last for 17 days! Louise Elliot of Hobart City Council in Tasmania, who had some major wins. Jasmine Sussex, a breast feeding expert was pushed out of her volunteer organisation by a 'she male' claiming he's chest feeding the baby his bio female partner gave birth to. Jasmine has rung loud alarm bells about that. Now he's dragging her to court as well. And detransitioners taking their therapists/gender clinicians to court. How many more? We know the law is NOT on our side! What a time to be alive as lesbians who love women! I'm sad to say, I'm glad I'm old (71), it's not that old really, but this backlash against us lesbians is aging and exhausting me rapidly. Hang in there Sisters! There must be a Sapphic heaven somewhere.

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Thanks for a brilliant write up, this case needs attention - it’s important for anyone who knows that sex realism is vital - not just lesbians and other women.

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I read a study that looked at young adults and compared and contrasted the difference between boys coming out as gay and young women coming out as lesbian. It found that (on average) males declare a sexual identity around 16-18 years old, but females are between 22 and 24 before they come out. This was listed as a leading cause of the incredible increase in a trans identity for women (as opposed to men). Boys recognise they are gay, not women, but women get sidetracked into "being trans" when in reality they are lesbians who are being diverted from their same sex attraction.

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I think it's partly that but also a lot of it is girls who might grow into heterosexual woman just adopting the new socially endorsed form of misogyny-driven self hatred.

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Thank you, beautiful lesbians, for speaking up for lesbians and our herstory, culture, and feminist politics. Bio-phobia (an irrational fear of nature, including of one's own biological sex) and bio-phobes have all but dismantled our culture, politics, gatherings, herstory, and our rights. Many of us are up there in age, are no longer able to be physically active, or have died. It gives me hope, what you are doing. We need to be doing such actions all over the world.

If only I could even *find* feminist lesbians, or simply bio-realist feminists, to do this work with in my own city of 200,000 in California.

I'm working on it, though.

Thanks again <3.

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Oh I'm sorry you haven't yet found a support group over there!

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Thank you, Gar! I've found three GC women in my county of 650,000 now, but one is too busy, one we didn't click, are rnd another is 20 miles away and I don't drive. So...its challenging, but I will reach out to the one 20 miles away. Thank you.

How does anyone GC find anyone else GC in their area, safely, please? Any pointers?

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I'd join a group like Genspect or one of the SEEN groups if they are relevant or groups working on the issue whose approach chimes with you and you'd hopefully find the locals!

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Thank you, GAR. I bet there are parents active locally but haven't known how to find them. I'll check out Genspect and SEEN, which I haven't heard of before. Thanks!

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The history on the map is inspiring - if only women could get a chance to read it. There used to be so much going on for lesbians, organised by lesbians, compared to nowadays ... according to some of the women who commented on the current situation while making their way into the fair that day.

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Yes, I'd love to read the text. I'm sure others would too.

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We will put the herstory onto our website LAVA.nz

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