I would like more situations where we, lesbians, can talk about these issues with lesbians who are inclined to calling themselves something else (e.g. non-binary). I think this quote from this piece could be a good starter: "I don’t think everyone or even most people involved in trans rights activism are motivated by homophobia or misogyny, but the ideology that they, perhaps unwittingly, sign up for, is homophobic and misogynistic." Thank you Garwhoungle.
And on 11th of October 4 trans activists released thousands of insects into the LGB Alliance annual conference venue. The homophobia is real.
Excellent examples. Thanks.
Have cross posted
Thanks Dusty!
You're welcome 😊
I would like more situations where we, lesbians, can talk about these issues with lesbians who are inclined to calling themselves something else (e.g. non-binary). I think this quote from this piece could be a good starter: "I don’t think everyone or even most people involved in trans rights activism are motivated by homophobia or misogyny, but the ideology that they, perhaps unwittingly, sign up for, is homophobic and misogynistic." Thank you Garwhoungle.
It seems so obvious to me that it IS homophobic and misogynistic and yet so many have fallen into the grip of the ideology.