Jul 31Liked by Garwhoungle

If I could only find the words to express my deep distress and raging dissent against this 'transhumanist' take over. I'm so enraged after 50 years of feminist struggle and activism for women's and girls' rights, I have trouble finding the right words to leave a comment. Appreciating the work you are doing and reading your substack.

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Thank you so much for the support and for all the work you've done/are doing. I hear you. I constantly pinch myself, 'no surely not that, this is too absurd, they would never' etc. It really is an ideological takeover of our societies and all the more menacing for painting itself as progressive, so even the language of resistance is rendered meaningless. Inspired by those continuing to speak and resist though.

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Aug 4Liked by Garwhoungle

We must speak out and keep speaking out! I'm going to the next #WomenWillSpeak on the 17th on the steps of Parliament in Melbourne. With bigger and better sound equipment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-_n_kq03e4&t=3046s

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Fantastic. Who knew the 2020s would involve some old left-wing feminists (my dear friends some of them) trying to say women speaking about their rights was hateful.

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Sadly I've been there and done that before, back in the late 1970s when we started speaking in public about our rape experiences. We didn't need a large police force then to protect us. But here we go, back to the past! It's almost exciting to do it all over again. https://thelesbianclub.org.au/

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Jul 27Liked by Garwhoungle

Don't forget the Health Service for Women only: Maternity, has had its language changed in the Midwifery Scope of Practice by the Midwifery Council NZ. Effectively mandating Midwives to provide care to anyone who identifies as women, plus Whanau. This, when the Midwifery profession has a 40% shortage.

Maternal Health just isn't important enough, after all it's just women.

Mother, Women, Baby are offensive words to the Rainbow Midwives and their hand maidens. They are happy to decide on behalf of all their clients (100% women), and all Midwives (99% women) that their new language must prevail.

Don't try to find this new Scope of Practice on the Midwives Council website though. It has been removed.

Here's the new list of clients that the most intellectual Midwives in NZ decided on........ Women/people and whanau. Ta da!!

'Women' was only added when a petition to parliament

asked for an investigation into why women and baby wasn't in the Scope. Use your imagination to conjure up who Midwives are obligated to provide care to, if the person demands it.

Note that Women is now a subset of People.

Deep joy Midwives, I hope you enjoy the ride over the next few years.

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Absolutely. I have another series on the erasure of language. But it's all tied in isn't it.

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Jul 26Liked by Garwhoungle

We aren’t just being told to zip it, our language is currently being erased or changed to be more inclusive for the minority. I’m becoming more and more frustrated with universities using the term identify as a female. More frustrated with the word person instead of women. I’m just all round pissed off with women being pushed aside.

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Couldn't agree more! The silencing of women is multi-pronged and extremely effective.

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