Aug 8Liked by Garwhoungle

Locking in this victimhood mentality involves massive lying to children who are programmed to believe that the adults around them are trustworthy figures who will keep them safe. https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/lying-to-our-children-hey-all-parents

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So true. And horrible how parents are getting manipulated to tell the lies because of the cult-y of suicide risk. Thanks for sharing that great link.

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Great article. I often think that there is a curious passivity to claiming a transgender identity and you have captured exactly how that works. Its dovetails into the twin drives of individuation and belonging that are each so important in adolescence.

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Thanks Jan! I'm interested in your notion of passivity. What do you mean? I kind of get that it sort of allows kids and I suspect girls in particular to opt out of a sexual adulthood and being female in an increasingly pornified world, but I suspect you're thinking of something else?

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Aug 7Liked by Garwhoungle

Yes that too. But coming out as gay or lesbian (or straight even) there is a path to navigate. To see yourself clearly and provide an explanation of yourself. In the old days for LGB how to find community. In contrast the NB and the T is just a demand for recognition on the person's own terms. Gender is just so self referential. Messing about with appearance is so utterly trivial in a way. Even hormones too in a way. You transcend appearance on the basis of a fanciful demand that you are other than youself. Not trivial but passive. The detransitionrrs explain it as they need help to catch up. They've spent years on persuading the world they are the other sex. Meanwhile their peers are building lives based in reality and testing themselves against it.

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Aah. Yes! You get to live in an entirely theoretical universe with none of the messy requirements of the real world and no need to acknowledge it either.

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Excellent, even by your high standards

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Brilliant insights, thank you!

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Thank you Inger. It's so disheartening, isn't it, that the people who write "you are loved" and "leave trans kids alone" messages manage to disregard the basic tenets of care and protection.

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Aug 8Liked by Garwhoungle

Yes, it actually removes any sort of safeguarding from children and leaves them vulnerable to predatory adults.

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Thanks Annette! Lovely to have that feedback.

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Reasoned discourse and evidence will not persuade zealous cult acolytes, I’m afraid.

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No, sadly. They don't really think material reality is a thing. But we can document what's going on and try to understand it.

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We anticipate the transgender cult will collapse like dominoes. Be ready to support the victims.

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Hope so! Do you think it will become increasingly uncool among young people? Or do you think there'll be some other drive to the collapse. Asking for a friend. :)

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Aug 7Liked by Garwhoungle

I was thinking of Twitter being overtaken by X. Elon Musk has declared his determination to “fight the woke mind virus”. He inspires me with some hope as he also has lost his eldest child to Transactivists. As we see the consequences of transgender surgeries, the destruction to bodies, we will learn that this is not progress.

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