Jul 9, 2023Liked by Garwhoungle

I do wonder if he is a cross dresser. Whatever, he's a dyed-in-NZ-lambswool misogynist.

BTW, the link to the judgement referred to in n2 is broken. Here is the current link, plus archive, plus direct link to the pdf of the judgment:




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he makes me so cross. the fact that he is celebrated and rewarded makes me crosser still.

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Absolutely excellent. All the evidence we need to prove what a nasty bully Lal is.

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Great letter - thanks for doing this and sharing it. It beggars belief that Shaneel Lal gets away with what he does, in all likelihood because his 'identity' gives him some sort of immunity. Imagine if a National Party MP was doing what Lal does? He would be excoriated from here to the North Pole and back again.

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